Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Event of Wizard101

Well before i start i would just like to say how sorry i am for not making a post in a while due to laptop failures,but never the less i am back and ready to inform all my readers of the event of wizard101. Now there is no wizard101 birthday coming up or a event in which i could express my feelings of it. Since this is the first post i thought i would write about the event that started it all and my point of view. I joined this great community last year and i have gotten a lot of help from people who were more experience in being a social wizard. I use to just play wizard101 because i thought it was the best game i had ever played and then when i figured out you could blog about this wonderful spiral my characters live in it not only opened my eyes but changed how i would play the game forever. You must being thinking is he just talking about being a wizard101 player on social stuff and the answer is no, because i have yet to tell you how i got to this place in time.
When i was around 12 years old i came home one day and my older sister informed me that she started playing wizard101 (she has sadly stopped playing now due to her getting bored of it) which i see how she could have gotten bored, when you first start off at a young age and have no way of getting membership, you will finish the free part of it and just stop playing. Maybe wizard101 would have more people playing if you could access more content as a free player, not saying that i am not grateful just saying i and others might get bored if all we can do is play up in till Triton avenue which is not hard at all to get to.  Anyways as i was saying i begin to play that game after my sister got me into the game, we tried to get other family members into our wizard101 group but it did not come as natural to them as it did to us. we simply played and then stopped. My birthday was just around the corner and i had decided that i wanted a wizard101 membership card and just a regular membership card i wanted the first every one to come out. I wanted the super bundle which came with the first ever second person mount and a giraffe i still have today. Well when i came home i was in big trouble because i got a card for a silly game that cost 40$, i don't think i could make that anymore trouble some when i tell that i picked the low card game gear and barely figured out that my pet giraffe could cast this was after i figured out that there was Wizard101 Youtubers the one i watched was Mscourtneyolivia which till this day i still watch. After i leveled up my dear giraffe pet i used it for a while and then i ran out of membership as i was in krokotopia i could honestly say that back then i did not play wizard101 as much as i do now. so i am going to skip in till i get to Christmas of that same year. where i got a regular one and got myself up to Avalon and as i was leveling up to lvl 76 and stayed that year for 2 years i was busy with things and such. i watch some videos of people playing wizard101 and i followed them every time till finally i lost membership and had to stop. The next time i got membership was when i was 15 and got membership as a gift from a friend of mine. i used it in till i ran out but by then i started my little blog on duelist and made a twitter account for me:@mikecars15 which is where i meet such amazing people and then one day i thought about writing my own personal blog. Finally here i am writing this to my readers.

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